Q: Self-driving cars will bring new business for psychiatrists!

John Dannenberg

A: Why is that?

Q: Your column is replete with narcissistic complainers who retch about road boulders, speeders, lane-changers, dive-bombers, and tailgaters. But these denizens of the vanishing manual control era will be cast into a deep depression when their new autopilot vehicle obeys speed laws, maintains safe separation, won’t weave in and out of traffic, run red lights, or cut others off.

Predictably, as the limited road real estate fills to capacity with ever-longer trucks and SUVs, autopilots will announce the sad news as to when your vehicle will be permitted to enter traffic.

But hark, relief is on the horizon! You will be able to outbid those less fortunate for favored routing privileges. Aggressive driving will be replaced by economic one-upmanship. The days of enjoying going out for a Sunday drive are numbered.

John Dannenberg

A: Oh, John, there is another view. Self-driving cars could improve the flow of traffic and lead to fewer crashes, maybe reducing the need to visit a shrink.

Q: The promise of rain and windy days could lead to fallen hot wires draped over cars, and that worries me. I was told that you are safe as long as you stay in the car. Then I heard you could get shocked (or worse) if you touch certain parts of the car. Can you get an answer for me?

Pat Pierce, Santa Clara

A: According to PG&E, drivers should do the following if their vehicle comes in contact with downed power lines:

  • Stay inside. The safest place is in your car. The rubber tires insulate you from the ground.
  • If you must get out, don’t hang on to any part of the car, including the door handle.
  • Never drive over a downed line.
  • Call 911. The fire department, police and PG&E workers will tell you when it’s safe to get out of your car.

Q: I saw your article on a Prius driver’s argument for a per-mile fee. I have a better one. I have a street-legal golf cart, and my registration fees went up 50%, from $214 to $321, because of the Road Improvement Fee now being charged.

At that rate, I am being taxed over $1 per mile vs. the 3 cents per mile for the average regular electric vehicle driver. On top of that, most roads I drive on are private and none of the taxes collected go back to improvements for those roads.

Hurry up, California legislators, and pass a per-mile fee. You are killing me.

Keith Laband, Crestline

A: Ouch. Think of that higher fee as an investment in reducing global warming.

Join Gary Richards for an hourlong chat noon Wednesday at www.mercurynews.com/live-chats. Look for Gary Richards at Facebook.com/mr.roadshow or contact him at mrroadshow@bayareanewsgroup.com or 408-920-5335.