Q: The tragic article about the death of two people in a submerged car in Millbrae was very scant on information.

How hard is it to open the doors of a submerged car? Were the windows shut? What should someone do if their car becomes submerged?

Dave Erickson

A: Every year, an estimated 400 people die in the U.S. from drowning in submerged cars. Most victims survive the initial crash with few or no injuries, only to be trapped and drown.

Water pressure makes the doors difficult or impossible to open. Most emergency experts advise opening a front window immediately and climbing out in the first minute or two that your car is stranded. If the vehicle has lost power, you may have to break a window with an emergency hammer or a headrest.

As water fills the car, the pressure will eventually equalize and allow the doors to open — but there’s a risk the occupants will drown or the car will be swept away before that happens.

The National Weather Service says that 6 inches of fast-moving flood water can knock a person down, and 12 inches can sweep away most cars. See www.weather.gov/safety/flood-turn-around-dont-drown for more information.

Q: Recently (and especially during the holiday season), I have noticed many vehicles, especially SUVs and vans, parked backward in angled parking spaces.

This takes some skill and practice to perform, and the result, frequently, is a vehicle taking up two parking spaces, more or less. Also, it takes much more time, and can result in a blocked aisle for up to a minute as the driver inches in and out to get the vehicle “just right.”

I hope this fad dies out soon.

Steve Brock, San Jose

A: Me, too, for a couple of reasons. As you note, they can take up two spaces. Also, those who back in often do not back all the way in the space, and can block traffic in the lane of travel.

Q: Could you help me, and countless others, understand this road sign and what I am supposed to do? It is the sign prior to merging onto Highway 101 north at the Cochrane Road entrance in Morgan Hill. The sign says “stop on red.” Some people stop and wait for it to turn red again. Others stop and then proceed like it’s a normal red light.

Kevin Scott, Morgan Hill

A: The sign means that drivers should stop at that point on red, and proceed when it is safe to do so. Some drivers think it means stop and stay there until the light changes color, but that is incorrect.

Q: Having driven in the Bay Area for well over 50 years, I live by “Go down and turn around” when, for any reason, I miss my intended exit or entrance. Certainly a few extra minutes to avoid cutting someone off, or annoying another driver, will make for a more pleasant driving experience.

Sheryl Perez, Novato

A: And a much safer driving experience for all.

Look for Gary Richards at Facebook.com/mr.roadshow, or contact him at mrroadshow@bayareanewsgroup.com or 408-920-5335.