Q: My wife and I have been stuck in Costa Rica since March, due to the border closure. Our car registration was due in June. We went online to renew, only to discover the DMV website tells us that the license plate or Vin number is incorrect. Thus, we cannot renew on line.

I went to the DMV website after a few days and got the same message.

Last year when we were renewing, we mailed in the form and fees in May and by June 15, had not received any sticker. I went to a kiosk and tried again to renew. At that point, we had paid twice for the registration.

I figured that the DMV would see the double payment and send a refund. However, no refund, no letter, nothing.

Ron Bennett, Costa Rica

A: You are eligible for a refund if you paid twice, but you need to apply for it. Mail in an Application for Refund (ADM 399). Allow 30 days to be notified of your status, receive your refund, or correspondence, if additional items are needed to process the refund.

Now closer to home.

Q: We have a car we drove here from New Hampshire, intending to drive it back, leave it there and keep its New Hampshire registration. However, due to the virus, we are not going across the country since it seems unsafe, so we have to register it here. How do I get that done under the current circumstances?

We should also get Caifornia drivers’ licenses. Help.

Carol Zink, Redwood City

A: These are all transactions that can be done in-person at a DMV office without an appointment, if you take advantage of DMV Express. The DMV restarted vehicle verifications earlier this month to register vehicles previously registered outside of California, and offices are processing REAL ID transactions, if you fill out the application online and upload documents ahead of your visit.

Q: My daughter had a behind the wheel test scheduled in Fresno on July 15 since it was the earliest date we could find back before COVID-19 was an issue. I just received an email that her test has been rescheduled on a date that won’t work. There is an option to cancel the appointment, but nothing mentioned about pushing the date back.

I tried calling, and the recorded message says to call back after Aug. 15. Too late for us. Is there any way to contact the DMV to have it rescheduled? Her permit expires in late August.

Jan Herbert, Los Gatos

A: I called the DMV and they called you with an opening for late July in Los Gatos. I wish her, and you, good luck.

Join Gary Richards for an hourlong chat noon Wednesday at https://ift.tt/27E9ALQ. Look for Gary Richards at Facebook.com/mr.roadshow or contact him at mrroadshow@bayareanewsgroup.com or 408-920-5335.